Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Freddy Mutanguha is an 18 year old Rwandan genocide survivor. He loved his mother more than anything in the world. His family was a happy one. His father was quiet, but tolerant. His mother once said, “It’s not good to be selfish, you should always share with others.” Freddy's parents and 4 sisters killed during the genocide in 1994. He tells of the night they were killed:

"We couldn’t see it happening, but we could hear them screaming… They took Mum far away to kill her. Later at night, I went with another boy to find her body. We rushed there and buried her.We simply covered her with soil. So I saw my Mum’s body, but not the rest of the family. I just heard my sisters being killed. I didn’t see my father killed – people told me about it later."

Over 20 years later Freddy envisions the future, "I dream of a developed Rwanda and I’m determined to fight all genocidal ideologies. I want to see us build our nation. We can only do that if we consider the younger generations and work to remove all bad ideologies from their minds."

Read Freddy's very moving story.

Read other survivor testimony.

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